EVJ guarantees the safety of our service users, and our company takes responsibility to ensure that service users are protected from any form of harm and abuse. Employees are selected through Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), which they will further undergo an interview process. Employees are trained, supervised regularly and appraised yearly. Policies such as Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Infection Control, Safeguarding Adult and Children, Risk Assessments will ensure that staff remain competent in their roles and are well suited to their areas of responsibility. Equality and Diversity training will set the tone in the day to day care that Service users will receive which is personalised care and support.
This service will provide disability access, large print and braille leaflets, that speak different languages or interpreters in order to help vulnerable adults. The Whistleblowing policy, and safeguarding policy will also be used as tools to keep both Service users and staff safe. There will be guidelines and trainings in these policies to ensure that staff understand the steps to follow and actions to take if need be.