Quality Assurance and effective management will be utilised by this service to keep Service users and staff safe. EVJ safeguards the confidentiality of service users notes and personal information. Information about service users are handled in accordance with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) policy, audits like medication, daily care logs, reposition charts are completed on a regular basis. Falls prevention, moving and handling and medication policies will be used as guidelines and further trainings will be provided for all staff in order to keep service users safe. Overall, this practice will ensure that service users will experience an effective quality care as well as maintaining an adequate lifestyle.
The management will ensure that service users, relatives and other stakeholders are getting their expectations of person-centred care. We hope to achieve this through needs assessments, care planning and regular review. Where service users are able to give their consent for family involvement, relatives will be fully involved in the development of care and support plans. However, when it is difficult to get information about a Service user’s care needs and service user is unable to give consent, the service will provide a legal and professional procedure.